Why Does My Ferrari Shake When Driving?

Why Does My Ferrari Shake When Driving

Does your Ferrari’s vibrating steering wheel make you feel uneasy or frustrated? Drivers have voiced numerous complaints regarding this issue. Sometimes, the steering wheel wobbles when the car moves ahead at any speed or a high speed. Your steering wheel vibrating could occasionally indicate damage to the tires or chassis. Let’s examine the most typical reasons why my Ferrari shakes when driving.

The Usual Issues

If the steering wheel is faulty, driving an automobile becomes quite risky. Within the steering shaft is a metal shaft known as a spindle. The spindle transfers force applied to the steering wheel to the rack, a gear, or the steering mechanism. A steering wheel needs to be steady to maintain adequate control over every turn, slide, and corner.

A wheel that is imbalanced or has a bent rim typically causes shaking steering when driving at high speeds. A misplaced bolt or nut on the steering column, among other things, could also be the cause.

On the other hand, if the occurrence happens as the car brakes, imbalanced drum or disc brakes are typically to blame.

Why Does My Ferrari Shake When Driving?

Identifying the root of the problem might be difficult because it frequently stems from a mix of several car parts. Examining the following components directly can save time. Several factors could wear out early if you put off solving the issue for an extended period.

Issues concerning the brakes

Many brake problems may be the source of steering wheel vibrations. The car may tremble as you slow it down because of broken shock absorbers, worn brake pads, loose connectors, or malfunctioning brake discs. Other brake issues may also cause the symptoms of steering vibration. 

In the interim, you should inspect the brake rotors if the vibration happens when the brake pedal is depressed. Inspecting the brake caliper is also essential when there is shaking in the steering wheel at high speeds. When you drive faster, the vibration gets more robust, and when the car stops, you smell burning.

Tire and wheel issues

Tire or wheel issues are the most common source of vibration. Potential problems include out-of-round tires, damaged wheels, uneven tire wear, separated tread, poor wheel and tire balance, and even loose lug nuts. Regular auto inspections, such as visual examinations of the wheels and tires, tire pressure checks and adjustments, and lug nut tightness checks, help prevent many of these problems. 

Your routine maintenance program should include tire rotation, wheel balancing, and optimum tire pressure. Additionally, wheel alignment needs to be done at the recommended intervals.

Issues relating to suspension

Shaking the steering wheel at high speeds or while at a specific speed can indicate a suspension problem. As worn shocks, weak connections, driveshaft imbalances, and corroded parts are the usual causes of shaking, make sure the entire suspension system is in good condition, including the shock and struts.

Balance wheel

A misaligned, broken, or low-quality tire could be why your Ferrari’s wheels do not need to be balanced. If this occurs, your steering wheel will shake a lot, and occasionally, the entire car will tremble, too! The most frequent reason for this issue is unevenly treading low-profile tires. Since no counterweights have been added, a lightweight suspension system may also be the reason for the wheels’ imbalance. 

The most concerning aspect is that if you ignore it, the steering and suspension system—which includes the struts, shocks, tread, and many other parts—may sustain damage.

Transmission and engine

The engine and transmission should be the primary focus for problem-solving if the vibration occurs while you are driving and persists. At the same time, the car is stopped with the engine running, or the automobile makes a noise when it shakes. The cause could be a damaged radiator fan or an engine or transmission mount that is loose or broken. 

A broken fan will typically be unbalanced and vibrate audibly when it rotates. On the other hand, the majority of cars feature electrically powered radiator fans that only turn on when the coolant temperature rises above a specific point.  The fan could be the source of your irregular vibration if it only occurs after the engine is warmed up, although this is quite unlikely.

Tires might be non-aligned

This is one of the most common causes of steering wheel vibration. It first appears at about 50 mph, with the wheels shaking more violently at 60 mph. But speed reduces the quantity. To avoid this, make sure the tires are periodically inflated to the correct pressure and aligned.


If you feel vibrations in your Ferrari whilst driving, there’s a problem. It’s critical to diagnose car problems and fix them as soon as possible, whether they are related to the drivetrain and engine, suspension, brakes, tire imbalance, or other difficulties. 

To keep your Ferrari operating smoothly and to guarantee that you continue to enjoy the unmatched driving experience that this legendary brand delivers, regular maintenance and professional inspections are essential. Maintaining the electrical system in your Ferrari will guarantee its lifespan, functionality, and—above all—road safety.

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