Why is my BMW Engine Oil Leaking?

bmw car engine oil leaking reasons

A BMW is a luxury vehicle, and many people strive hard to obtain one. Each BMW model is designed to stand out and attract attention. They are designed with the driver in mind because who doesn’t want to ride around in style? The exterior is then complemented by an interior that stands out from the crowd.

After you’ve had your BMW for a while, you could discover that certain features aren’t working as well as they used to. One problem that you may have is the engine leaking oil. If your BMW is leaking engine oil, you will see a puddle of oil on the driveway or smell the stink of burning oil. Here are a few reasons why this could happen to your BMW.

What Causes Oil Spills in BMW?

Depending on where an oil leak originates, you can trace it back to its source or the final cause of the leak. Oil leaks are frequently caused by malfunctioning valves, seals, or gaskets and are reasonably simple to repair; nevertheless, the repercussions of an oil leak can cause damage to other components of your engine, such as the spark plugs.

Some causes of engine oil leaks are harmless and very straightforward to correct; others, on the other hand, may necessitate considerable repair work that will not be easy. What brings these characteristics into play may be determined by a number of circumstances, including:

1. Seals that are damaged or old

The gaps in the pressurized system that houses your engine oil are filled with valves or seals. If these components become damaged or worn, oil might leak from the system. Furthermore, if a seal is destroyed, it releases crucial pressure from the system, preventing oil from flowing to the necessary components.

2. Oil pan damage

It’s happened to the best of us before, and it’s unlikely to be the last. Damaged oil pans are typically caused by an automobile accident or by running over road debris. Because the oil pan is exposed to the elements, it is prone to punctures and damage. Oil pans are frequently replaced if they are damaged, so be cautious, avoid road hazards, and keep your automobile as high off the ground as possible.

3. Unscrew the oil filler cap

Simple errors can arise during the oil change process, especially if the professional performing the oil change is unfamiliar with BMW vehicles or is simply rushing the job. For example, while it’s typical for some oil to flow onto the pavement following an oil change, leaks can also be caused by an untightened filler cap.

What is the Importance of Regular Engine Oil Maintenance?

Simply taking care of the oil and the oil system will significantly reduce engine oil leaks. Here are some pointers for routine maintenance:

  • Inspect the quality, clarity, and richness of the oil on a regular basis.
  • Change the oil as directed by your owner’s handbook.
  • Consult a BMW expert to determine which types of oil and oil filters are suitable for your car and driving habits.
  • Never forego an oil change.
  • With each oil change, replace the oil filter.
  • Report any oil leaks or other disturbing oil-related symptoms to an automotive professional as soon as possible for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Oil leaks are a fact of life when you own a BMW. Allow skilled hands to undertake the repairs required to halt the leaks. Our professionals provide attention to detail and skill that you won’t find anyplace else. If you feel your BMW is leaking oil, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or book an appointment online.

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