6 Defects that Car Polishing can Solve

6 Defects that Car Polishing can Solve
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If you had a car for quite a while, you would know that car detailing is an essential step in maintaining the health of your vehicle so as to keep it in peak condition. Car detailing generally consists of five stages and the most crucial stage is car polishing. It generally falls in the second or third stage in Car detailing, the first couple of stages being washing of the vehicle and decontamination. While plenty can be said about these two stages, we will be focusing on car polishing as of now.

Car polishing is actually the most dramatic of the five stages of car detailing. If your car is polished properly, it can not only lift years and years of ingrained grime and dirt but also make your vehicle look as good as new. Car polishing is essentially an umbrella term for all the processes meant to mask or remove paint defects on a vehicle’s surface or surface layers. The sub-surface defects that car polishing fixes include water spots, swirls, scratches, stone chips, and more.

Here are the 6 defects that car polishing would solve quite easily.

Swirl marks:

Swirl marks are one of the most unattractive of several paint defects that your car can get over the years. They are also known as micro marring or spider webbing. Swirl marks are actually small scratches on the surface of your car’s paint. Botched-up paint job marks generally result in uneven coating or swirl marks. The only effective way to fix such paint defects is by getting your car polished. Car polishing has abrasive qualities, which helps even up the paint of the entire vehicle and makes your car super attractive and smooth like before.


When you are using your car regularly, you are bound to get scratches on the body of your vehicle from time to time. However, these can be easily fixed with car polishing. The polish on your car acts as a buffer, even though it has abrasive qualities. As the car polish acts as a buffer, it helps remove scratches on the surface of your car. With the scratch marks removed, your car looks smoother after a polish. Though car polishing would work in case of most scratches, they won’t even out deep scratches, for example, if your nails have made scratches on the paint of your car.

Rubs or scruff marks:

Both rub marks and scruff marks are paint defects that make you car look unattractive and both are different. You need to know the difference between the two. Scruff marks can be defined by broad but shallow abrasions of the surface of your car. Whereas, rub marks are caused by shoe heels when people get in or out of the car. Rub marks can also result from the bumpers of other vehicles. Both scruff marks and rub marks can be easily fixed by compounding and polishing your car.

Paint etching:

This is a very common problem that comes up when we are talking about pain defects in cars. Paint etching is generally caused by acid water, that is, acid rain and by hard water, that is, tap water. Yet another common reason for paint etching is bird droppings. Polishing your car would easily solve the problem of paint etching. Even if the etching is severe, polishing your car would definitely reduce its appearance if you are not able to remove it completely.

Stone chips:

Rock chips or stone chips can be dealt with a mere paint job. However, if you want your vehicle to look brand new without any sign of etching or scratching, you should get your car polished. As is pretty explanatory from the point itself, stone chips or rock chips are the scratching or chipping of paint from the surface of your car. Just getting a paint job may leave uneven spots on your car so you should get your car polished. This would ensure that the damaged area is protected and prevent from rust or any immediate damage.

Water spots:

Though this one could be considered as a follow-up on the paint etching point, water spots are pesky problems when you are considering the appearance of your car. Water spots are caused by hard water from sprinkler systems or when you let the water dry on your car’s paint after washing your vehicle. Generally, water spots can be removed by a mineral deposit remover. However, if the spots have been left for too long, they etch into the paint of your car. They would need polishing to be completely gone.


Here we have covered 6 of the most common paint defects on your car that can be fixed by polishing, even though some are more difficult than others. As mentioned before, car polishing can work wonders on any defect if done properly.

If you have been noticing some paint defects on your car, now would be the time to get your automotive fixed so that it is in the best possible shape. DAScenter brings to you high level servicing and maintenance on top-end European models such as Ferrari, Mercedes Benz, Lamborghini, you name it.

Contact us now at Service@dascenter.ae or 0523232832 to get your car polished right away!

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